2 Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh 3 Center for Horticultural Seed Development of Golden Seed Project (GSP), Suncheon National University, 255 Jungang-ro, Suncheon, Jeonnam 57922, Korea; jihee0830@scnu.ac.kr 4 University-...
(1) Vererbungslehre Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Menschen, für Studierende, Aerzte und Zuchter (2) Genetics: An Introduction to the Study of Heredity (3) The Fitness of the Environment: An Inquiry into the Biological Significance of the Properties of Matter (4) Moderne Probleme der Bi...
Introduction T hegoalofthistextbookistointroducethestudenttothefieldofbac- terialmoleculargenetics.Bacteriaarerelativelysimpleorganisms, andsomearequiteeasytomanipulateinthelaboratory.Forthese reasons,manymethodsinmolecularbiologyandrecombinantDNAtech- nologyhavebeendevelopedaroundbacteria,andtheseorganismsoften serveas...
Other practitioners enter the field with academic backgrounds in mathematics, statistics, or population genetics, and their proclivity might be to explore the population dynamics of genes across ecological landscapes or evolutionary timescales. At their best, these and additional viewpoints merge seamlessly...
In the large-scale analysis offered in Finkler's chapter, what is questioned is the significance of personalized genetics for individ- ual humans' relations to self, family, kin and society. The knowledge retrieved by the new genetics, Finkler argues, affects our understand- ing and dealings ...
Kevles, In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1985; Richard A. Soloway, Birth Control and the Population Question in England 1877– 1930, Chapel Hill, North Carolina University Press, 1982. Among the major contempo- rary ...
III. Factors influencing development A All human development is controlled by genetics but also is influenced strongly by environment. Heredity sets the limits upon possible responses the individual may make to different environments. B. Each child responds to the environment in a unique way. C. ...
(seeMoore’s Law). This exponential pace of development is now evident everywhere including in fields such as deep learning, genetics, material sciences anng. The time required for each exponential performance step is also declining in many fields, and this is driving the potential for ...
Veronika Lipphardt works on the history of the life sciences, particularly physical anthropology and human population genetics in their political, social and cultural contexts. Since 2015, she has been professor for STS at the University College 16 Veronika Lipphardt and Alexandra Widmer ...