This course will introduce you to the basics of AI. Topics include machine learning, probabilistic reasoning, robotics, computer vision, and natural language processing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field that has a long history but is still constantly and actively growing and changing. In th...
The Intro to AI course is a free course for middle school students to gain a basic understanding of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Throughout 8 weeks, Ayaan Haque and Viraaj Reddi covered various machine learning topics, from the mathematical theory to neural networks to NLP. By ...
Look no further. Intro to AI isMIT Technology Review’s first newsletter that also serves as a mini-course. You’ll get one email a week for six weeks, and each edition will walk you through a different topic in AI. Sign up here to receive it for free. Or if you’re alrea...
The Intro to AI for Marketers live course will teach you how to use AI to transform your career and business in 30 minutes. Space is limited. Register now!
Intro To Houdini Pyro - Full Beginner Course【简介Pyro】共计15条视频,包括:00 预告片、01 基本设置 & 微求解器、02 源等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
【谷歌生成式人工智能课程】[中英字幕]12.Introduction to Generative AI Studio duketian 13 0 【谷歌生成式人工智能课程】[中英字幕]3.Introduction to Responsible AI course duketian 8 0 [谷歌] [生成式人工智能课程][中英字幕] 1.Introduction to Generative AI duketian 31 0 【谷歌生成式人工智能课程...
DeepLearning.AI course on using Flower architecture for federated learning. - Pranav-JJ/Intro-to-Federated-Learning
1146(机器学习应用篇5)1.1 Course_Introduction_4-07 04:07 1147(机器学习应用篇5)1.2 Large-Margin_Separating_Hyperplane_1... - 1 07:10 1148(机器学习应用篇5)1.2 Large-Margin_Separating_Hyperplane_1... - 3 07:07 1149(机器学习应用篇5)1.3 Standard_Large-Margin_Problem_19-16 - 1 09:40...
这个合集是把沃尔夫教授的大学讲座短视频 合成为了一个长视频;并且通过AI降低了背景噪音。 本课程由四部分组成,为马克思经济理论的核心概念--必要劳动和剩余劳动、劳动能力、剩余价值、剥削、资本积累、剩余分配、资本主义危机以及...
Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) everywhere. However, it is a complex topic to both teach and learn. In this article, I outline an approach where you could learn about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning(ML), and Deep Learning(DL) based on high school knowledge alone. The later part...