4. The bridge fills the gap from the lead to the thesis (claim) and should be one or two sentences. The bridge is when you bring up the topic of your essay. 5. The thesis is the last sentence in your introductory paragraph. It is the sentence that tells exactly what your paper ...
Hook=bait The hook GRABS the reader’s attention and gets them interested in what you’re about to talk about Think about the beginning of your intro paragraph as what brings the reader in If you were reading a paper, what would catch your attention? Hooks we’ve learned how to write: ...
paragraph [Angela di Gualco] 4. silence.’ need citation [Angela di Gualco] 5. the idiom ‘smell blood’ means that the girl senses that she is going to be attacked while she takes breakfast. or does it mean, in conjunction with growing taller, that the girl is in ...
Thesis-support essays are just what their name implies. They offer a thesis near the start of the essay, usually at the end of the introductory paragraph, and then follow with supporting ideas and information. Usually, each unit of support starts with a topic sentence which extracts an idea ...
support the angle in the topic sentence) and optionally back to more general (re-statement of the topic sentence, as a lead-in to the next topic sentence and unit of support, if it makes sense within the flow of the essay). Also remember to paragraph when needed within each unit of ...
Each of these terms— including the ones mentioned in the preceding paragraph—reflects differing methodological and theoretical approaches, as well as contrasting political and even moral agendas. And like the parable of the blind men and the elephant, each only describes a single component or ...
paragraph 24, 373. Further, under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the CFPB has the authority to implement and enforce federal consumer financial law, and their purview is 'non-bank' financial companies that have historically fallen outside the domain of consumer ...
Despite the ongoing legal prohibition on male homosexuality under Paragraph 175 of the Criminal Code—a target of homosexual rights activism in Germany since the turn of the century—the 1920s saw the development of a multifaceted homosexual rights movement centered in Berlin, as well as a ...
many students to summarize or paraphrase a paragraph or a whole article, insert the summary, and then move on to the next text and summary. That’s not good practice, since it doesn’t link ideas in terms of their themes, and doesn’t focus on how those themes relate to your ...