Intrinsic = 实在的,真正的,指事物保持自身特点的起码要素和基本成分(指属于物体、人性中的一部分的。更强调事物本身的特性,多用于术语)Inherent = 内在的,固有的,表示作为某事的基础或包含于某物的固有特性(指物体、人体中固有的、永恒的、基础的。有继承而来的,传下来的这种内在和固定,而且是...
An inherent quality of something can not be avoided or changed, because it is a necessary and nature part of that thing.For example:English has no inherent interest to him. He can never feel interested in it however he learns.This machine often breaks down. We never operate it improperly....
Intrinsic = 本身的 ; 本质的 ; 固有的; 内在的 例: A man's intrinsic worth is... 人 自 身 的 价 值 是... Difficulties that are intrinsic to such a situation 这种情势固有的困难 === internal= 内部的 ( 是看不到的 ) 例: The driver received internal injuries in the acci...
neurulation is related to the angle of axial curvature, such that experimental alterations in curvature will have differing effects (either enhancement or delay of closure) depending on the angle of curvature at which neurulation normally occurs in a given species, or at a given level of the ...
The discovery of superconductivity in Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 (ref. 1) introduced a new family of layered nickelate superconductors that has now been extended to include a range of strontium doping2,3, praseodymium or lanthanum in place of neodymium4,5,6,7, and the five-layer compound Nd6Ni5O12 ...
Extrinsically motivated behaviors that are done to attain a specific outcome, such as parental approval can become autonomous or self-determined through the developmental processes of internalization and integration. An autonomy-supportive parenting style was evidenced by a willingness to offer choice and ...
Typically used in the phrase "know (someone) in the biblical sense." (In the Bible, the phrase "to know" usually indicates a sexual relationship between two people.)(7)blaze:If someone's eyes are blazing with an emotion, or if an emotion is blazing in their eyes, their eyes look ...
[40] or decrease anxiety [32] depending on the methodology used. Kisspeptin administration has also been shown to have anti-depressant-like effects in rodents [41] and humans [36] with the latter effect associated with enhanced activity in the pre-frontal area, a region that expresses ...
In this range the crystals were near‐intrinsic or intrinsic. The 1/f noise component was negligible in all cases above 1 kc providing the noise was measured between probes. The noise above thermal noise measured in this way could entirely be attributed to spontaneous fluctuations in generation ...
Financial analysis uses cash flow to determine the intrinsic, or underlying, value of a company or stock. In options pricing, intrinsic value is the difference between the strike price of the option and the current market price of the underlying asset. ...