解析 这两种类型的膜蛋白是根据其分离难易程度及其与生物膜的结合方式划分的。外在膜蛋白靠离子键或其他较弱的键与膜表面的膜蛋白分子或膜脂分子结合,可通过改变溶液离子强度或者提高温度将其从膜上分离下来。而内在膜蛋白通过跨膜方式与膜结合,其结合紧密,只有用去垢剂崩解膜后才能分离下来。
Among these new identifications are genes encoding proteins with a variety of predicted functions including dehydrogenases, kinases, several other metabolic enzymes, ATPases, rRNA methyltransferases, membrane proteins, and different types of regulatory proteins....
pores in mitochondria directly or by binding via BH3 domains to Bcl2, BclXL, and Bfl1, and antagonizing these anti-apoptotic proteins. Mitochondrial Membrane Permeabilization (MMP) is clearly a pivotal event in the progression of apoptosis in...
Release of CytoC is regulated by Bcl2 family proteins. Bcl2L (Bcl2-Like), BclXL (Bcl2 Related Protein Long Isoform), and other anti-apoptotic Bcl2 family members reside in the outer mitochondrial membrane and prevent CytoC release. BAX ...
Role of the plasma membrane in saline conditions: lipids and proteins In order to assess the applicability of the recommended histone H1, [alpha]TUB, and GAPDH as reference genes in relative expression studies using RT-qPCR, four targets based on sugarcane SuperSAGE unitags annotated as glutamine...
B cell associated protein 31 (BAP31) is an ER chaperon related to newly synthesize integral membrane proteins, and controls their fate [5]. Additionally, BAP31 is an integral ER-resident membrane protein and a component of several large protein complexes [6]. BAP31 plays a crucial role in ...
Finally, the NLR proteins NLRC5 and CIITA act as transcriptional regulators for the expression of MHC I and MHC II, respectively. NLRX1 is a poorly characterized NLR protein that is expressed in mitochondria. Previous reports identified a role for NLRX1 as a negative regulator of antiviral ...
BH3 mimetic drugs that target BCL-2 family pro-survival proteins to induce tumour cell apoptosis represent a new era in cancer therapy. Clinical trials of navitoclax (ABT-263, which targets BCL-2, BCL-XL and BCL-W) have shown great promise, but encountered dose-limiting thrombocytopenia. Rece...
In eukaryotic cells, secretory and transmembrane proteins are processed and modified in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Intrinsic and extrinsic perturbations, such as gene mutations, protein overload, and hypoxia, may lead to protein misfolding and accumulation in the ER lumen, a circumstance called...
Conversely, PARP1+ -apoptotic rods develop upon sequential activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3 and loss of membrane permeability. Rod photoreceptor demise ceases upon cone degeneration. These findings reveal novel roles of Ranbp2 in the modulation of intrinsic and extrinsic cell death mechanisms ...