In SPSS, select Analyze, Scale/Reliability Analysis; select your variables; click Statistics; in the Descriptives group, select Item and select Intraclass correlation coefficient.; select a model from the Model drop-down list (ex., two-way mixed); select a type from the Type drop-down list (...
When is the intraclass correlation coefficient misleading - LOONEY - 2000 () Citation Context ...he subjects means it will be difficult to differentiate between subjects even though the absolute measurement error is small. An examination of the SEM in conjunction with the ICC is therefore needed ...
Intraclass correlation
22 spss output intraclass correlation coefficient two -way random effect model (absolute agreement definition): people and measure effect random single measure intraclass correlation = .2898* 95.00% 25、c.i.: lower = .0188 upper = .7611 f = 11.0272 df = ( 5, 15.0) sig. = .0001 (test...
RE: st: Intraclass correlation coefficient From: Cameron McIntosh <> Prev by Date: Re: st: RE: how to specify the decimals for output--con't Next by Date: st: A more informative error mesage in -reshape- Previous by thread: RE: st: Intraclass correlation coeffici...
ICC(R1) = intraclass correlation coefficient of R1 where R1 is formatted as in the data range B5:E12 of Figure 1. For Example 1, ICC(B5:E12) = .728. This function is actually an array function that provides additional capabilities, as described inIntraclass Correlation Continued. ...
I have two inquiries regarding the use of intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the design effect size to estimate the need to use a multilevel analysis. I'm using a sample of 9,937 children distributed in 61 schools, with 13 categorical variables loading in a given factor model. The...