prefix /ɪntrə/ /ɪntrə/ (in adjectives and adverbs)inside; within intravenous intra-departmental(= within a department) compareinter- More Like ThisPrefixes Word Origin Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with theOxford Advanced Learne...
词汇intra- 释义 Definition ofintra-in English: intra- prefixˈɪntrə (added to adjectives) on the inside; within. 加在形容词之前表示“在内”;“在内部” intramural intrauterine Origin From Latinintra'inside'. Definition ofintra-in US English: ...
●infra-. This means “below” or “beneath”. The word “infraorbital” means below the eye. The word “infrared” means beyond the red end of the light spectrum. ●inter-. This is a prefix meaning “between”. The term “intercellular” means ...
Inter- is a prefix that comes from the Latin word for among or between two or more people, places, or things. That means an interstate highway passes between two or more states. Inter- may also mean reciprocal or involving two or more things. Intra- is a prefix that comes from the La...
Particularly in the study of languages, a prefix is also called a preformative, because it alters the form of the words to which it is affixed. Prefixes are either inflectional, creating a new form of the word with the same basic meaning and same lexical category (but playing a different ...
intra- a prefix meaning “within,” used in the formation of compound words: intramural. Word History and Origins Origin ofintra-1 <Late Latinintrā-,representingLatinintrā(adv. and preposition); akin tointerior,inter- Discover More Example Sentences...
a prefix meaning “between, among,”“mutually, reciprocally”:intercity; interdepartmental; intermarry; interweave. [Middle English < Latin prefixal use ofinter(preposition and adv.); compareinterior] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005,...
Prefix 前缀 Intra-在内,内部 相对应的日常英文单词 within, inside Suffix 后缀 -venous:静脉的 referring to a vein 指静脉 Sample Word Intravenous (abbreviated: IV): within or administered into a vein, Some medications must be given by an intr...
On the other hand, the prefix “intra-” refers to something that occurs within a single group or place. For example, “intramural” refers to something that occurs within a single institution, such as a school or university. Similarly, “intrapersonal” refers to something that occurs within ...
intra-/ɪntrə/prefixformalortechnical 1 IN/INSIDEinside在…之内(的)SYNwithin intra-departmental(=within a department) 部门内的 2 IN/INSIDEinto到…里面 an intravenous injection(=into a vein) 静脉注射 Examples from the Corpus intra-•an intranet ...