Intratester and intertester reliability of the palpation meter (PALM) in measuring pelvic position. J Manual Manip Ther. 1998;6:130-136.Hagins, M; Brown, M; Cook, C; Gstalder, Karen K, Michael; K, Gene & Strimbeck, K (1998). Intratester and intertester reliability of the palpation...
This reflects an understanding that discrimination and violence against women is also a matter of intra-gender inequality among women. 这反映了一种理解,即,歧视和暴力侵害妇女也 是妇女性别内不平等问题。 daccess-ods.un.orgb The difference between the total above of £(350...
To distinguish between the contri- of data from binary tetrahydrofuran and fully hydrogenated clathrates. The signal of hydrogen confined in small cages was established using the difference baacpanegptdwersloea.xerSnigumebthatctreaiaogecnemtsi,n,pagwtnydtehacaneasdssnmuHdma2elelgdscauatschgleaoetta...
A balanced microbiome is important for human, plant, and environmental health, while diseases are often associated with microbial dysbiosis [1]. Dysbiotic microbiomes generally vary more in community composition than those from healthy individuals [2]. Despite numerous studies focusing on defining a he...
bank, inter-citytransferorintra-province remittance, and apply for cheque book. 然而个别交易如汇款至海外银行、同城转帐或异地汇款、以及申请支票本需缴付一般的收费。 (c) the numberofintra-companytransferees sponsored by a company at...
Stokdijk M, Biegstraaten M, Ormel W, de Boer YA, Veeger HEJ, Rozing PM (2000) Determining the optimal flexion-extension axis of the elbow in vivo: a study of interobserver and intraob- server reliability. J Biomech 33:1139-1145...
borrow in the inter-bank market, diversity and stability of the deposit base, loan to deposit ratioandintra-groupclaims. 為確保評估的全面性,金融管理局亦會考慮其他多項因素,包括流動資金比率、向銀行同 業拆放市場借款的能力、存款基礎的多樣性及穩定性、貸款與存款比率及集團...
Despite the relative simplicity of the model rules, efficient trophallactic networks may emerge as the networks observed in ants, leading to a better understanding of the evolution of self-organisation in such societies. Keywords: food exchange; interindividual difference; interacting agents; ...
1. Introduction Around the world, the full deployment of solar energy is being facilitated by several factors including, but not limited to, the reduced price of solar panels; environmental, polit- ical and social concerns; and solar energy undercutting utility prices, inter alia. According to [...