> 我来写笔记 > Into Thin Air 作者: Jon Krakauer 副标题: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster isbn: 0385494785 书名: Into Thin Air 页数: 332 定价: USD 16.00 出版社: Anchor 出版年: 1999-10-19 装帧: Paperback 又名: 进入空气稀薄地带...
经过41个春秋,我已过了登山的黄金年龄,只剩把灰色的胡子和一副烂牙床,腹部还多出了十几斤赘肉。我娶了一位心爱的妻子,并意外地撞上了一份还算合适的工作,平生第一次脱离了贫困线。简而言之,我对登山的渴望已被一些由小小的满足感所组成的类似幸福的东西磨钝了。 (查看原文) ...
The book was written by Jon Krakauer, who is known for writing non-fiction books such asInto Thin AirandUnder the Banner of Heaven. The story surrounds McCandles shunning a conventional life after his college graduation and choosing to seek enlightenment in the wild. ...
“instead of managing to persuade me to put a cross in the box for the Left, the relentless, self-righteous and intolerant nature of the comments I saw from colleagues on my Facebook feed only drove me away from even considering joining their cause.”“Of course, I want to see fairness...
I’ve played with designs this spring and have posted quotes from various books on Facebook. Here are two examples. If you’d like me to make the quotes and discussion a regular feature here on the blog, please let me know. Need to shut down the computer and get to the airport. I ...
…maybe the whole Internet will simply become like Facebook: falsely jolly, fake-friendly, self-promoting, slickly disingenuous….” - Zadie Smith —Zadie Smith 13 There's all kinds of depictions of black men. You have the Denzel Washingtons and the Will Smiths; that's wonderful, but that...
However, if one would notice, the infant within the card is covered in something that resembles a pea-pod, with it’s head tearing through, but still protected by a thin transparent layer that resembles a membrane. Furthermore, notice, the woman who is holding the baby; her head, though...
cleansing… and that may become genocide”, adds Israeli American scholar Omer Bartov. "No, Palestinians did not commit acts of terrorism, Israel did",tweetsMiko Peled, an ex IDF soldier and son of a former Israeli general. These few quotes summarize current thoughts of some of the former ...
Carol has tattoos of her own, and her son is a tattoo artist. I posted the following Facebook status: “Tattoo lovers! If anyone knows someone with tattoos who would be willing to answer a few questions for my research on tattoos for grad school, please let me know Thanks!” A colleagu...
Zuckerberg also did away with fact checking face book posts, moved staff out of “blue” California to “red” Texas and took other measures to ensure that he would be on the good side of the incoming president. All without being asked. Other examples of anticipatory obedience include the ...