” a subtitle intended to underline the poems’ stemming from the traditions of both Cynicism and classical Latin poetry, especially that of Catullus and Juvenal, both known for their forthright, unapologetic bawdiness.
Ansari FA, Gupta SK, Bux F (2019b) Microalgae: a biorefinery approach for the treatment of aquaculture wastewater. In: Application of microalgae in wastewater treatment subtitle: biorefinery approaches of wastewater treatment volume-II: treatment of various types of wastewater. Springer International Pu...
The subtitle of William Grant Still’s Symphony No. 4,“Autochthonous,” made for a little vocabulary lesson at the Akron Symphony last weekend. Meaning “indigenous, or belonging to a particular place by birth or origin,” the composer used the word to describe a distinctly American composition...
Incorporating Voice Permutations into the Theory of Neo-Riemannian Groups and Lewinian Duality Book Title Mathematics and Computation in Music Book Subtitle 4th International Conference, MCM 2013, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 12-14, 2013. Proceedings Pages pp 100-114 Copyright 2013 DOI 10.1007/978-...