Originally airing in the 1960s, "Speed Racer" is an anime adapted from Tatsuo Yoshida's Japanese manga by Tatsunoko Productions. It premiered on ABC in the United States and would become one of the earliest animes to become popular stateside. While the dubbing is a bit of a mess, with i...
As suspects pile up like day-old pastries, Dahlia finds herself assisting Detective Sanderson once again. Can her unique perspective and attention to detail help sift through the town's half-truths? And as they work closely together, will Dahlia realize that not all puzzles have clear-cut solut...
Retired Lt. Gen. Bruce "Orville" Wright, president of the Air Force Association: Well, good morning, and let's just keep it rolling here. It's an honor for me this morning, first of all, to thank all of you for being with us, to being in the fight. As we all know, there's ...