I am grateful for the Lord’s loving kindness, his presence, mercy and grace. I am grateful for friends and family who just keep showing up – pointing me to Jesus, when I glance away from him. He’s got the whole world in His hands… including me… and Louis. If you want to par...
We found that that was more lucrative than actually printing the shirts ourselves, so we got into the machinery basically enabling other people who were starting out and wanting to start their own business to get the equipment. That's what that business evolved into. Prior to starting the ...
Reddit Spacemacs Everywhere Once you've learned the Spacemacs key bindings, you can use them in other IDEs/tools, thanks to the following projects: Intellimacs - Spacemacs' like key bindings for IntelliJ platform Spaceclipse - Spacemacs’ like key bindings for Eclipse SpaceVim - A community-driv...
fully human-like presenter types wearing shirts and pants, and a surreal tree of humanoid arms, flexing and twirling their white-fingered hands in concert. It looks for all the world like a grittier version ofWestworld'sbackstage workshop. ...
Covid infection numbers are up in Ohio, as they are in a whole lot of places, and in the US in general; I'm particularly looking at the infection numbers for Georgia, where I am meant to be at the beginning of September, and they are higher there now tha
“It’s so exhausting being a woman in tech; sitting opposite men who think because of my gender, I am soft and weak and generally full of shit,” wrote an Apple employee on Twitter, drawing attention to the quote. “It’s not even worth it to say I have worked relentlessly for...
So may I suggest that you unbutton your business shirts, place them back on the hanger in your wardrobe, and confidently replace them with a turtleneck jumper. Your ability to innovate will quickly prevail, and your appearance will warrant many a look of approval from your work colleagues and...
“I bring you Pepe Le Pen. Rare, from across the pond.” The image attached to the post portrayed Pepe the frog as Le Pen — with long blond hair and a dark blouse — against a tri-color, French flag backdrop. In a comment on the post, the Reddit user called on others to “...
Take any three famous people from history, toss them together, and have an adventure. How they got together is up to you – you could do an origin story of how they first met or you could write the story as if they had been adventuring for years. You can
Max sighed. He started to fold his shirts then place them into his backpack. His proposal to stay on Earth was doomed, but he had to try. World war was inevitable. Historians might eventually decide it had already started. An offer to develop military applications of project technology might...