在XAMPP上安装intl扩展: 打开XAMPP的安装目录,找到php文件夹。 在php文件夹中找到php.ini文件,并用文本编辑器打开。 搜索"extension=intl",确保该行前面没有注释符号(;)。 如果没有找到该行,可以手动添加"extension=intl"。 保存php.ini文件并重启XAMPP。
extension=intl.so “` 5. 重新启动 PHP 服务器,以使修改生效。 方法二:通过编译安装 1. 下载源码包,可以从 PECL 或者 PHP 官方网站下载。 2. 解压源码包,并进入解压后的目录。 3. 在终端或命令行窗口中执行以下命令来编译和安装: “` phpize ./configure make make install “` 4. 安装完成后,需要添...
extension=php_intl.dll Simply copy all icu* * * *.dll files(any icu file with dll extension) from C:\xampp\php to C:\xampp\apache\bin Also If you have the msvcp110.dll missing file error. You have to download the right .dll or just go here http://www.microsoft.com/es-es/downl...
目录和 bat 文件放在 xampp 目录下 配置 修改 xampp\php\php.ini 配置文件,添加下面几行 extension=...
我安装了XAMPP 1.8.3-0和PHP 5.5.0。 1)编辑php.ini: 从 ;extension=php_intl.dll至 extension=php_intl.dll注意:修改后,需要保存文件(php.ini)以及需要重启Apache Server。 2)只需复制所有icu * * * * .dll文件: 从 C: XAMPP PHP 至 C: XAMPP的 apache的 BIN ...
extension="/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/intl.so" Find loaded configuration for web If you do not know the php.ini loaded from your web server. Add following code to a php file and visit to that url. You can find the Loaded configuration fil...
出于某种原因,我不得不从php 8文件夹复制一堆dll到apache/bin目录。ic*71.dll文件。
We are eventually going to install the PHP intl extension with PECL, so we need to set this up so that we can fetch the extension from the repository. Fortunately, OS X ships with PECL and PEAR, although they are not enabled by default. Rather, Apple has provided a PHAR file for setti...
Docker https://store.docker.com/editions/community/docker-ce-desktop-mac gogs https://github.com/...
PEAR Version:1.10.9PHP Version:7.3.5Zend Engine Version:3.3.5 Now, to install an extension, for example, PHP's yaml extension: pear install yaml Xcode is needed. Download the version of php you use in xampp from php.net. Extract it and open the extracted folder in a terminal using cd...