亲密伴侣暴力(Intimate partner violence,IPV)是全世界最常见的暴力形式,遭受亲密伴侣暴力会增加出现一系列心理健康问题的可能性。我们特别整理了《柳叶刀》系列期刊中亲密伴侣暴力的相关内容,分享给读者。1. 重大报告 O重大报告 | 全球15岁以上女性中约27%遭受过亲...2. 柳叶刀-全球健康 °中国作者 | 亲密伴侣暴力...
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious concern in the United States. In the 1970s, the battered women's movement began, which sought to change aspects of the US culture that contributed to violence against women. Although this movement did help many victims of IPV, it was not until ...
domestic violence- violence or physical abuse directed toward your spouse or domestic partner; usually violence by men against women violence,force- an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists); "he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he cannot do by force and violence...
Intimate-partner violence, also known as domestic violence, can be defined as ‘any pattern of behaviour within an intimate relationship used to coerce, dominate or isolate; the exertion of any form of power that maintains control’ (Dolan-Soto 2001: 1).
, researchers found that children under 5 years whose mothers experiencedintimate partner violenceduring their life, were more likely to develop acute respiratory infection, diarrhea and be under nourished. This risk was much higher in children of mothers who experienced multiple types of violence....
However, Aizer has been able to collect medical data from California hospitals. One of her findings is that domestic violence often begins or becomes significantly worse during pregnancy. "If a pregnant woman is assaulted, it is almost always at the hands of an intimate partner," she explains...
More than 4 million women each year in the United States are physically harmed by their husband, boyfriend, or other intimate partner. Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence, not only hurts the women who are abused but also affects their overall health, their ability to ...
Intimate partner violence in the lives of Indigenous and Black women in the upper Midwest of the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed-method... Violent behaviour perpetrated against women has long‐lasting negative physical and mental health consequences for women, their children, ...
According to Heise & García-Moreno (2002), intimate partner violence (IPV) refers to the victimization of a person by someone with whom they have or had an inti- mate relationship, possibly resulting in both immediate and long-term physical, psy- chological, and sexual health problems. IPV...
Intimate Partner Violence in the Late COVID-19 Period: A Study of 10 Countries from the I-SHARE Consortium View further author informationJoseph D. TuckerView further author informationAmr AbdelhamedView further author informationSonam Jyoti ShahView further author informationPedro NobreView further ...