Kids Definition intestine noun in·tes·tine in-ˈtes-tən :the part of the alimentary canal that is a long tube composed of the small intestine and the large intestine, that extends from the stomach to the anus, that helps to digest food and absorb nutrients and water, and ...
Mastication | Definition, Chewing Process & Muscles The Small Intestine: Regions, Histology & Food Propulsion Small Intestine Facts: Lesson for Kids Stomachs Growl | Meaning, Causes & Treatment The Stomach: Regions, Histology & Role in Ingestion The Large Intestine & Colon: Fecal Formation & Defeca...
Kids Definition large intestine noun : the last part of the intestine which is wider and shorter than the small intestine, which consists of the cecum, colon, and rectum, and which absorbs water from the material left over from digestion and prepares the feces for release from the body ...