After total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH), intestinal prolapse is uncommon. We report an instance of a 48-year-old woman who had TAH and then intestinal prolapse. Two weeks after the operation, symptoms started to show up, and the vaginal vault developed a bulging bulge. The problem was ...
Many patients with rectal prolapse give a history of vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy or a colporrhaphy. In a study from Edinburgh, eight of 50 female patients with a rectal prolapse had a uterine prolapse, 20 had had a hysterectomy and 12 had had some form of colporrhaphy (Vongsangnak et...
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: The repair of vaginal tissue after vaginal vault prolapse or for correcting genital abnormalities is based on surgical techniques with graft materials that are under constant development. However, in contrast to other approaches in female pelvic reconstruction, stem cells have...
Ileal prolapse through patent omphalomesenteric duct in a two year-old boy: a case report 2024, Journal of Medical Case Reports Case Report: Complicated Meckel Diverticulum Spectrum in Children 2021, Frontiers in Surgery Patent Vitellointestinal Duct Presenting as a Paraumbilical Abscess Along with ...
Postcoital vault dehiscence and intestinal prolapse following abdominal hysterectomyA 59-year-old woman presented with severe dyspareunia and postcoital bleeding 5 months post-hysterectomy. Her problem occurred following her first intercourse since after her operation.She had a to......
HYSTERECTOMYREPAIRMANAGEMENTCOMPLICATIONFIXATIONPROLAPSEWOMENTo report a case of transvaginal small intestinal hernia following abdominal sacrocolpopexy and review this clinical presentation in the current literature.A review of our case and a literature review of vaginal evisceration were carried out.The ...
E. KaluAssisted Conception UnitA. FakokundeAssisted Conception UnitJ. Evans-JonesAssisted Conception UnitJournal of Obstetrics and GynaecologyKalu E, Fakokunde A, Evans-Jones J. Post- coital vault dehiscence and intestinal prolapse following abdominal hysterectomy. J Obstet Gynaecol 2006;26:74-5....
Herein is reported a case of a bowel erosion with a late clinical manifestation 3 months after hysterectomy and TVT placement for genital prolapse and urinary incontinence. Bowel erosion may complicate TVT operation several months after surgery and should be considered as differential diagnosis in ...
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: The repair of vaginal tissue after vaginal vault prolapse or for correcting genital abnormalities is based on surgical techniques with graft materials that are under constant development. However, in contrast to other approaches in female pelvic reconstruction, stem cells have...