In “How HashMap works in Java“, we learned the internals of HashMap or ConcurrentHashMap class and how they fit into the whole concept. But when the interviewer asks you about HashMap related concepts, he does not stop only on the core concept. The discussion usually goes in multiple d...
interview questions -(1)hashmap HashMap是采用数组+l链表方式实现的数据结构,它是在HashTable基础上来的的,我们都知道(vshe就是vector、stack、hashtable、enomoration这四个类是线程安全的)如果想要实现线程安全的HashMap,可以通过Collertion的静态方法synchronizedMap获取线程安全的HashMap 1.关于HashMap的实现原理 Ha...
In my previous post related to “How HashMap works in java“, I explained the internals of HashMap class and how they fit into whole concept. But when interviewer ask you about HashMap related concepts, he does not stop only on core concept. The discussion usually goes in multiple directio...
util.HashMap; public class CheckThenAct implements Runnable { static HashMap<Integer, String> hashMap = new HashMap<>(); @Override public void run() { if (!hashMap.containsKey(101)) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Checked that there is no Entry with 101 key...
HashMap:HashMap实现了Map接口,底层使用的是Hash算法存储数据。HashMap将数据以键值对的方式存储。 HashSet:HashSet实现了Set接口,底层也是用的是Hash算法存储数据。而且HashSet内部有HashMap类型的成员变量,方法也调用了HashMap的方法,存储的时候只不过值为null. ...
The chain address method is used in HashMap. The basic idea of open addressing method is that if p=H(key) event of a conflict, places p basis, hash again, p1=H(p) , if p1 conflict again, places p1-based, and so on, until you find a hash address that does not conflict pi . ...
▲ 9 hashMap 1.7 / 1.8 的实现区别 ▲ 9 简述 Java的反射机制 ▲ 6 Java 线程间有多少通信方式? ▲ 6 简述 Synchronized,volatile,可重入锁的不同使用场景及优缺点 ▲ 6 Java 类的加载流程是怎样的?什么是双亲委派机制? ▲ 5 简述常见的工厂模式以及单例模式的使用场景 ▲ 5 JVM 中内存模型是怎样的,...
This Java collection interview questions is I guess most popular one. Most of Java programmer who has at least 2 years of experience has seen this question on core Java or J2EE interview. Well there are many difference between them but most important isthread-safety,HashMapis not thread-safe...
HashMap 实现原理,ConcurrentHashMap 的实现原理 线程挂起,休眠,释放资源相关,唤醒,线程同步,数据传递 static synchronized 方法的多线程访问和作用,同一个类里面两个 synchronized 方法,两个线程同时访问的问题 内部类和静态内部类和匿名内部类,以及项目中的应用 ...
2. Medium map interview questions Here are some moderate-level questions that are often asked in a video call or onsite interview. You should be prepared to write code or sketch out the solutions on a whiteboard if asked. 2.1 Longest substring without repeating characters Text guide (RedQuark)...