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ref: why important, Wiki: semantic HTML Question: What does “semantically correct” mean? Answer: read it in StackoverflowNeed more! More questions: CSS Interview Questions, JavaScript Beginners Algorithm read: HTML5 Express anger! Feel free to express your anger (sorry folks, you have to us...
地址 备注:以下仅为笔者的理解,不一定100%正确!如有错误请指正。 HTML Questions: 1、doctype(文档类型)的作用是什么? 顾名思义,doc+type,文档类型,就是告诉浏览器以什么方式来解读你的页面文档,详情请戳...
interviewinterview-questionsinterview-preparationfront-end-interview UpdatedApr 23, 2024 HTML khan4019/front-end-Interview-Questions Star3k Code Issues Pull requests Help the front End community to rock interview javascripthtmlinterview-questionsjavascript-interviewfrontend-interviewfront-end-interviewjavascript-in...
GitHub is where people build software. More than 150 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
Oracle PL/SQL Questions1. What is normalization. 2. Difference between procedure and functions. 3. Oracle 9i Vs 10g. 4. how to improve the performance of a query. 5. %type vs %rowtype. 6. regression testing. 7. deleting the duplicate records without using rowid in oracle. 8. Row chai...
Here are a few more front-end developer interview questions on JS, CSS, HTML, and web design for your practice: What are the pros and cons of extending built-in JavaScript objects? What are the benefits of using spread syntax, and how is it different from the rest of syntax?
When you’re interviewing for a role, you’ll likely receive a mix of questions. Some will be geared toward beginners. Here are some basic questions you’ll be expected to know when you start the job search. 1. What is HTML, and why is it important in web development?
原文地址: Question 1. What Is Apache Tomcat? Answer : Apache Tomcat is an open-source web server and Servlet/JSP container developed by the Apache Software Foundation. Tomcat implements several Java EE specifications inclu...
In this article, we’ve explored some of the questions that are likely to appear in technical interviews for Java developers, regarding exceptions. This is not an exhaustive list, and it should be treated only as the start of further research. ...