经历了重重面试的人大多都被问到过一个问题:“你对我们公司/这个岗位还有什么问题吗”( Do you have any questions for us? ) 多数人可能就说“暂时想不到 /没有了”。Reddit网友也发现基本没人反过来问招聘官问题。 Interviewers have often told me almost no one asks questions during interviews. 面试官们...
Ramsaid:5 months ago Sir, thanks for providing me the opportunity to ask questions. 1. Can you tell me the company culture? 2. At which point, I engage in the interview and In which section of the interview I should improve myself tell me how my communication skills during the interview...
Question number three is, do you have any questions for us.Remember, that an interview isn't just about the interviewer seeing if you are a good fit for the company, you also need to use it to see if the company is a good fit for you.第三个问题就是你有任何问题要问我们吗?请记住...
Do you have any questions for us? Why do you want to be in this field? What are your goals? What are you passionate about? What are your interests and hobbies? How do you define success? Tell us about a time you went above and beyond. 1. Tell Me About Yourself While t...
7. Asking questions at an Interview 7.在面试时提问 A: That concludes my part of the interview. Do you have any questions for me? A:那包括了我面试的一部分。你对我还有什么问题吗? B: Yes, thank you, Mr. Thompson, I do. B :是的,谢谢你,汤普森先生,我有问题。 A: Okay, what's on...
19. Why should we hire you? Point out how your assets meet what the organization needs. Do not mention any other candidates to make a comparison. 20. Tell me about a suggestion you have made. Have a good one ready. Be sure and use a suggestion that was accepted and was then considere...
/ leadership skills? 50. Have you ever made any process improvement? 51. what zodiac sign are you? 52. Communication skills 53. Problem-solving skills 54. Time management 55. Teamwork 56. How do you handle criticism? 57. Do you have any questions for us?
7. Tell us about your education 8. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? 9. What kind of salary do you expect? 10. Answering tough questions 11. Do you have any questions for me/us? How to Act Confident in an Interview And One More Thing... ...
8. Do you have any questions for me? 这也是一个面试中经典的结束问题,测试应聘者是否真正对这份工作真正有兴趣与热爱,此时应该询问具体的问题以显示应聘者非常了解该公司,对未来的工作有很多的期待和好主意,充分表示热情。应聘者一定要提前准备很多有关这个公司具体情况的问题,最好能够涉及到他们业务上取得的成绩...
10. Do you have any questions for me? Last one, the last question is very common, do you have any questions for me? Do you have any questions for me? Interviewers will often ask this question at the end of an interview inviting the candidate to ask questions about the company. It is...