This question is very common in a Web Development interview. The answer is based on your learning, experience, and proficiency in this field. However, a good Web Developer will have profound working skills in any of the following technologies: HTML CSS JavaScript SQL Python PHP 36. What is ...
On the other hand, REST API refers to an API that adheres to the REST architectural style’s concepts and limits, utilizing common HTTP methods and resource-based communication. 3. What do you mean by RESTful web services? RESTful web services, short for Representational State Transfer, are ...
Django REST framework是一个强大而灵活的Web API工具。使用RESTframework的理由有:Web browsable API对开发者有极大的好处包括OAuth1a和OAuth2的认证策略支持ORM和非ORM数据资源的序列化全程自定义开发--如果不想使用更加强大的功能,可仅仅使用常规的function-based views额外的文档和强大的社区支持...
Looking for the phyton web developer interview questions to ask potential candidates? Here is our list of the best phyton web developer interview question examples!
='} answers={[0,1,2,3]} onChange={(val)=>console.log(`selected ${val}`)} /> #angular <question [title]="q.title" [answers]="q.answers" [(selected)]="q.selected" ></question> #vue <question :title="q.title" :answers="q.answers" :selected.sync="q.selected" ></question>...
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Name important annotations used in JAX-RS API? What is the use of @XmlRootElement annotation? How to set different status code in HTTP response? What is a Web Service? Web Services work on client-server model where client applications can access web services over the network. Web services ...
Still, you’ll have toget through the technical interview to get the job you want. Part of the interview process will involve answering question specific to hands-on experience working with Kubernetes. The Kubernetes interview questions that follow go beyond the typical rudimentary inquiries, such ...
This is an important Vue.js interview question. The directive is a piece of markup that tells the library what to do with a certain DOM element. Vue.js comes with a number of built-in directives, such as v-bind and v-model. You can also make your own directions. ...
13. What is the difference between ASP Session State and ASP.Net Session State?Answer: ASP session state relies on cookies, Serialize all requests from a client, does not survive process shutdown, Can not maintained across machines in a Web farm. ...