Python is an easy-to-learn, high-level, indentation-sensitive, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy is big on readability and supports an object-oriented approach. We can often solve coding questions based on data structures and algorithms quite succinctly and cleanly in Python...
Python Interview Questions for Freshers 1. What is __init__? 2. What is the difference between Python Arrays and lists? 3. Explain how can you make a Python Script executable on Unix? 4. What is slicing in Python? 5. What is docstring in Python? 6. What are unit tests in Python...
One advantage of an interpreted language like Python is that it can be run on any platform with a Python interpreter installed. This makes Python a very portable language and one that is widely used in a variety of different applications, including web development, data analysis, machine learning...
This is a descriptive question highly dependent on how analytical your thinking skills are. There are a variety of tools that a data analyst must have expertise in. Programming languages such as Python, R, and SAS, probability, statistics, regression, correlation, and more are the primary skills...
Example: Filtering rows where a column value meets a specified condition or combining multiple conditions using logical operators within a string query. 41. How do you add a row to a Pandas DataFrame? Adding a row to a Pandas DataFrame can be done using several methods. Here are two common...
Python Coding Interview Question #4: Lowest Priced Orders One of the easiest ways to join two tables in Python is by using the merge() function. We’ll do that to solve the Amazon question: “Find the lowest order cost of each customer. Output the customer id along with the first name...
In some rare cases, algorithms that time out in Python sometimes pass in C++/Go on Leetcode. Language Mechanics Literals Loops Strings Slicing Tuples Sort Hash Set List Dict Binary Tree heapq lambda zip Random Constants Ternary Condition Bitwise operators For Else Modulo any all bisect math iter...
In practice, any of these functions can be used to import tabular data with any kind of field and decimal separators: using them for the specified formats of files is only the question of convention and default settings. For example, here is the syntax of the first function:read.table(file...
Nén hay không nén, đây là câu hỏi dành cho Uber (To Compress Or Not To Compress, That Was Uber's Question) Asyncio Tarantool Queue, Get In The Queue Trong trường hợp nào truy vấn phỏng đoán được thực thi? (When Should Approximate Que...
There are three sorts of operators that developers typically use in their software. You can find them in the below graphic. 4. Explain the TCP/IP Protocol. TCP/IP is an abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. We use this protocol to ink devices on the internet. This...