Question: How could you make sure to run some javaScript when DOM is ready like $(document).ready? Answer: There are four different ways- option-1: Put your script in the last tag of html body element. DOM would be ready by the time browser hits the script tag. option-2: Place your...
Question - 15 :JavaScript Regular function knowledgeWhat is the difference between `map()` and `forEach()` methods ? `Answer :` The 'map()' method creates a new array with the results of calling provided function on every element in the calling array . Whereas, the forEach() method ...
# JavaScript interview Question - Create a Array with two papameters without using loop! ## JavaScript - 不用循环, 创建数组 & 数据 > JavaScript问题: 自定义一个函数,接收 m,n 两个整数参数, 返回一个长度为m 的且值都等于n的数组, 不能使用任何js ...
This is the best demonstration of test-driven development one can wish for.The next example is my typical interview question. I will use it to demonstrate how one can solve the problem step by step, then write same solution using JavaScript. I will also show how it can be dev...
💬 2020-10-17 FYIcenter: Good question! Software testing is a task for a software QA engineer, who runs a large set of use cases on the software to ensur... What is wrong with this initialization?What's wrong with this initialization? char *p = malloc(10); My compiler is complainin...
But it doesn't have to end here! Sign up for the 7-day coding interview crash course and you'll get a free Interview Cake problem every week. No spam, ever. You're working with an intern that keeps coming to you with JavaScript code that won't run because the braces, brackets, ...
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在JavaScript 中,可以通过以下几种方式进行弱网检测: 一、监测网络连接状态 使用navigator.onLine属性:这个属性可以判断浏览器是否处于在线状态。当网络连接中断时,navigator.onLine会变为false;当网络连接恢复时,它会变为true。 示例代码: function checkNetworkStatus() { if (navigator.onLine) { console.log("网...
Rippling Interview question Anonymous Usercreated at: 11 hours ago |No replies yet. 1 36 Meta Variant for Valid Number (LC65) + 7 more Minmercreated at: 20 hours ago |Last Reply:Minmer2 hours ago 2 207 Coinbase Domain Interview