Patients can be tough. The ability to deal with them is crucial. You’ll almost certainly face this question in your nursing interview. Look for the worst possible situation in your past with the best possible outcome. Example Answer I’ve often faced difficult patients. Handling them is part...
When being interviewed at this level, you need to demonstrate your knowledge of the 6Cs of nursing. These are care, compassion, courage, communication, commitment, and competence. Refer back to these in your answers where appropriate. They may ask a more general question such as‘Which of the...
This is a top nursing interview question, especially for newly graduated nurses. Sample answer:I understand that it may not always be possible for the patient or the family members to agree with my recommendations. In that case I would like to use my communication skills to the best of my ...
Sample Nursing Interview Questions and Answers The following are some of the more common questions you’ll see in nursing interviews. We go over each question and give advice for how to answer. After reading through, take the time to think about and write out your answer to each one. Before...
Below are some of the best responses to the question, “What is your weakness as a nurse?” These answers illustrate the acknowledgment of personal and professional challenges. They also demonstrate the active measures taken to overcome them. ...
Take note of the fact that honesty is always the best policy when answering questions regarding vocations as demanding as nursing, because then the conviction is very evident. So while it is okay to browse through sample interview tips and answers to get an idea, most of them are amenable to...
Questions and Answers for the Nursing Job Interview Here are some questions that are generally asked during a nursing interview and suggested answers. ►What interests you in this career? This question is your chance to speak about how important human life is and about your desire to help indi...
The question can be asked in different ways: Why you wish to become a nurse? Why have you chosen a career in the medical profession? Who you are and who inspires you? What is your career road map and where do you plan to go from here?
That's another broad and common question an interviewer might bring up in a nursing job interview. Like the one above, this question also tests your self-awareness and ability to communicate. How to answer it Answering these questions can be tricky because you might mention a weakness that's...
Take a look at the top 28 Nursing Assistant interview questions, plus examples of the best answers for each question, and tips for responding.