Do you answer really honestly? Or do you use it as another opportunity to show off.你会很诚实地回答吗?还是说你会把它当做另一个炫耀的机会呢?What your interviewer is really trying to do with this question is judge your self-awareness and your honesty, and also screen out any red flags....
Question number two is how did you hear about this position?When I was first asked this questio...
This questionoften comes up in the early rounds of the interview process. While it’s intentionally open-ended, your answer should still focus on your professional experiences and skills that are most relevant to the role you’re applying for. Be sure to note a few strengths and accomplishment...
Even though this one isn’t really a question it is commonly used in interviews as an effective icebreaker. A strong, succinct answer will quickly gain the interviewer’s attention and separate you from other candidates who may be tempted to ramble on about every minor life story detail. Give...
What an interviewer is really trying to do is put candidates in the hot seat to find out kind of people they are, how they behave under pressure, and how they make decisions. (See all: How to Answer 23 of the Most Common Interview Questions) Sorry...Can You Repeat the Question? Why...
description when you answer this question. Don’t ramble. If you’re asked to give five words, provide exactly that, and make sure they’re highly relevant to the open position. The person who wrote the job description included buzzwords that are meaningful to him. Use them to describe ...
2. What other schools are you applying to? Why It’s Tough Many professionals in the admissions community feel that this question is simply unfair. There are several reasons for this, one of which is that applicants don’t really know how the answer is going to be used (more ...
2. How would you describe yourself? A variation of the classic Tell me about yourself, this question may seem like an innocent ice-breaker— But in fact, it’s a way to get an idea of your interpersonal skills and your suitability for the job. The best way to answer this question ...
The former director of staffing firm Right Management provides examples of responses to negative or trap questions like aspects of work that one dislikes, career difficulties and historical figures to have dinner with. It notes that the question of how one sees himself in five years time deserves...
The purpose behind this question is to get a feel for your communication skills and find out more about you in terms of your goals and priorities. Here’s how to answer: Talk a bit about your background Mention what you’re interested in within your area of study, keeping it relevant...