解析 A。本题考查数据收集的常见方法。选项 A“Interview(访谈)”是一种常见的数据收集方法;选项 B“Guess(猜测)”不是可靠的数据收集方法;选项 C“Assume(假设)”也不是正确的数据收集方法;选项 D“Ignore(忽略)”更不是数据收集的方法。反馈 收藏
Burnard P. The telephone interview as a data collection method. Nurse Education Today. 1994; 14 :67–72. [ PubMed ]Halcomb, EJ, Davidson, PM (2006) Is verbatim transcription of interview data always necessary?. Appl Nurs Res 19: pp. 38-42...
15. Explain the KNN imputation method, in brief. KNN is the method that requires the selection of several nearest neighbors and a distance metric at the same time. It can predict both discrete and continuous attributes of a dataset. A distance function is used here to find the similarity ...
14. Can you give an example of root cause analysis? Root cause analysis, as the name suggests, is a method used to solve problems by first identifying the root cause of the problem. Example: If the higher crime rate in a city is directly associated with the higher sales in a red-color...
Elements of Programming Interviews (Java version) - Companion Project - Method Stub and Test Cases for Every Problem in the Book ⬆ back to top Don't Make My Mistakes This list grew over many months, and yes, it got out of hand. Here are some mistakes I made so you'll have a bett...
Method 1 - Copy the file from another system: If you have compatible systems, you can always just grab a copy of chmod from another server using scp or rsync. cd /bin mv chmod chmod.orig scp twin:/bin/chmod . diff chmod chmod.orig Method 2 - Restoring from Backup: If you have a ...
When we say Python is an object-oriented language, we mean that it can enclose codes within the objects. When the property permits the storage of the data and the method in a single unit, it is known as the object. Q7. Explain a Python Module. What Makes it Different from Libraries?
control <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=5) model <- train(response_variable~., data=df, method="lvq", preProcess="scale", trControl=control) importance <- varImp(model) print(importance) Powered By By automatically selecting the optimal features. One of the most po...
Ans. K mean clustering is a method of vector quantization. With this method, objects are classified as belonging to one of the K groups, which are selected as a priori. 49. What is n-gram? Ans. N-gram is a continuous sequence of n elements of a given voice or text. The N-gram ...
Java 8 has brought major changes in the Collection API. Some of the changes are: Java Stream API for collection classes for supporting sequential as well as parallel processing Iterable interface is extended with forEach() default method that we can use to iterate over a collection. It is ver...