Thematic analysis is a flexible method within qualitative research that seeks to identify and analyze patterns in the data material [44]. The thematic analysis in this study followed the six steps described by Braun and Clarke, which include: (1) becoming familiar with the data; (2) generation...
This method was introduced to survey researchers fromcognitive psychology, where it was used by Herbert Simon and colleagues to study thecognitive processesinvolved in problem solving. The procedure as applied in surveys is to ask laboratory subjects to verbalize their thoughts—to think out loud—as...
While telephone surveys generally are considered to be comparable to in-person interviews for the collection of survey data, their utility for the acquisition of sensitive information from respondents remains in question. This paper examines the effect of interview method upon self-reports of a threate...
By the way, when I say that journal articles and publicly funded research are low-hanging fruit, I mean relatively and not absolutely. They’re easier than royalty-producing novels, music, and movies. But they’re still out of reach in many niches and very hard to pluck. This is what I...
Six sigma is a quality assurance methodology used widely in statistics to provide ways to improve processes and functionality when working with data. A process is considered as six sigma when 99.99966% of the outcomes of the model are considered to be defect-free. 16. What is DOE? DOE is ...
51. What is the method used to submit forms in JavaScript? Forms can be submitted easily in JavaScript by calling the following method: document.forms[0].submit(); Here, the ‘0’ denotes the index of the form. 52. Why is <this> keyword used a lot in JavaScript? The <this> keyword...
research interviewpsychological and emotional abuseBuber's concepts of I-It and I-Thou are well known, yet his understandings of a dialogical process and dialogical knowing are less evident in the literature. This article briefly details a unique Buberian dialogical research methodology, devised for...
Following a consensus reached at the Consensus Conference in Rome [1], both scholars and practitioners have drawn from various studies to characterize NM not just as a methodology centred around communicative competency but as a pivotal tool for acquiring, understanding, and integrating the different ...
Our method ensures that the larger model retains the functionality of the smaller model. As a result, the larger model already inherits the predictive power and accuracy of the smaller model before the training starts. We demonstrate that training such an initialized model results in significant ...
So, in a particular scenario, Bot Lifecycle Management must be employed when development must follow the DevOps methodology. Thus, we have come to an end to this Interview Questions and Answers blog on Automation Anywhere. If you wanna become an expert in the RPA domain and wanna become a ...