实例来看namelist.wps中的interval_seconds ⼀、设置namelist.wps中的interval_seconds interval_seconds = 10800(秒)在ungrid.exe和metgrid.exe都会产⽣出区别 运⾏./ungrid.exe过程中有:插值产⽣中间时刻的⽂件 将./metgrid运⾏后,最终所有的⽂件为:FILE⽂件以及met_em⽂件均为3⼩时⼀次...
publicint? PrimaryServerSwitchBackIntervalSeconds {get;set; } Property Value Nullable<Int32> Returns aInt32value that defines the number of seconds to attempt delivery to the primary SMTP server before switching to a secondary server. Anullvalue indicates that not...
DeviceEnumerationIntervalSeconds { get; set; } Property Value Nullable<Int32> Returns aInt32 value that defines the number of seconds to wait between send attempts. A null value indicates that SMS notifications are sent only to the primary SMS device...
Seconds Interval Timer is the best interval timer for Tabata, HIIT & Circuit Training workouts. As well as being featured by Apple, it is recommended by celebri…
Measured as described above, the scale yields four perfect intervals: prime, or unison; octave; fourth; and fifth. The other intervals (seconds, thirds, sixths, and sevenths) are major when they are built from the first degree (tonic) of a major scale and minor when they are one semitone...
Create an online interval timer for HIIT or Tabata using the Seconds Pro online tool. Timers may then be downloaded into the Seconds Pro: Interval Timer app.
func testTimer() {let relay = Observable<Int>.timer(.seconds(1), scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)relay.subscribe(onNext: { (value) inLogger("\(value) - \(Thread.current)")}, onCompleted: {Logger("onCompleted end")}).disposed(by: disposeBag)} ...
参数 seconds 指定在未接收到响应时两次 keepalive 传输之间的时间长度(以秒计)。 此值是以秒为单位指定的。 可以指定 1 - 4294967 范围内的值。 缺省值为 30 秒。 示例 将KEEPALIVEINTERVAL选项设置为 45 秒: keepaliveinterval 45
(IntervalMonthData) interval).units;return(months / DTIType.yearToSecondFactors[endPartIndex]);caseTypes.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY :caseTypes.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR :caseTypes.SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE :caseTypes.SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND: {longseconds = ((IntervalSecondData) interval).units;return(seconds / DTIType.year...