a multi structure genetic algorithm for integrated design space exploration of scheduling and allocation in high level synthesis for dsp kernels:一种高层次综合调度与分配综合设计空间探索的多结构遗传算法 热度: Slides based on Kevin Wayne / Pearson-Addison Wesley ...
Interval Scheduling
In this paper we consider a general interval scheduling problem. We show that, unless P=NP , this maximization problem cannot be approximated in polynomial time within arbitrarily good precision. On the other hand, we present a simple greedy algorithm that delivers a solution with a value of ...
Weighted Interval Scheduling
Note that when the weights are all 1, this problem is identical to basic ISP, and for that, we know that a greedy algorithm that chooses jobs in order of earliest finish time first gives an optimal schedule [4]. For a traditional WISP, the classic dynamic programming (DP) approach provid...
A branch-and-price algorithm for the temporal bin packing problem 2020, Computers and Operations Research Citation Excerpt : The TBPP finds applications in different fields. Consider, for example, the production: each item can be interpreted as a task (or a product) that must attain a given pr...
For this interval scheduling problem, we first discuss an exact method based on integer programming which can be solved by branch-and-bound algorithm. Then, we propose two approximated methods named GreedyBS and GreedyMR using greedy strategy. GreedyBS is proved to be a 2.1343-approximated ...
the techniques for migration of VMs could not use in our case. The scheduling problem is NP-hard. Instead of minimizing the number used physical machines, we propose a scheduling algorithm EMinTRE-LDTF to minimize the sum of total busy time of all physical machines that is equivalent to mini...
On the other hand, we present a simple greedy algorithm that delivers a solution with a value of at least 1/2 times the value of an optimal solution. Finally, we investigate the quality of an LP-relaxation of a formulation for the problem, by establishing an upper bound on the ratio ...
Section 2 presents a number of positive results for the problem, including an efficient method for optimal scheduling when a set of jobs which must have the same first and second-stage positions is given. Section 3 then presents a 2-approximation algorithm and greedy heuristic. The performance ...