The episode opens with a starfield and an object falling toward an unidentified planet, this planet is revealed to be Earth, which has become an icy globe. The object crashlands in the middle of a flat plain which is also revealed to be very near the hometown of the famed astronaut Cooper...
Searching for water ice in the coma of interstellar object 2I/Borisov. Astron. Astrophys. 634, L6 (2020). Article ADS Google Scholar Xing, Z., Bodewits, D., Noonan, J. & Bannister, M. T. Water production rates and activity of interstellar comet 2I/Borisov. Astrophys. J. Lett. ...
The scientific goals include the study of the Heliopause and of the interstellar medium, astrometry with a very long baseline, the study of the gravitational lensing effect of the Sun and the encounter with some Kuiper belt object. Such missions involve technological achievements like the testing ...
et al. Spectroscopy and thermal modelling of the first interstellar object 1I/2017 U1 ‘Oumuamua. Nat. Astron. 2, 133–137 (2018). ADS Google Scholar Stern, S. A. ISM-induced erosion and gas-dynamical drag in the Oort Cloud. Icarus 84, 447–466 (1990). ADS Google Scholar Bergin,...
The first meter-scale interstellar meteor (IM1) was detected by US government sensors in 2014, identified as an interstellar object candidate in 2019, and confirmed by the Department of Defense (DoD) in 2022. We use data from a nearby seismometer to localize the fireball to a ∼16km216km...
Big Dumb Object: Within the Empire, the partial Dyson sphere at Corícal Ailek (which exports thought) and the Dyson bubble at Esilmúr (which exports antimatter and other forms of stored energy in unwholesomely large quantities) would qualify. Capital: For the Empire, that’s Eliéra, the...
In general, time on humanity's side of the wormhole moves faster than time on the uncharted side.Due to proximity to gravitational anomalies from a nearby black hole (Gargantua), time on the other side is exponentially slower— relative to the distance between an object and the black hole's...
“It could be argued that in astro-stereoscopy — 3D images of astronomical objects – NASA’s New Horizons team already leads the field, having delivered astounding stereoscopic images of bothPlutoand the remoteKuiper Beltobject Arrokoth,” May said. “But the latest New Horizons stereoscopic expe...
Voyager I is thus the first man-made object that has traveled beyond the heliosphere, making it the first probe to go interstellar. If consistent milestones like this continue, our ability for human deep spaceflight is inevitably possible. From the first dugout canoes to the modern supertanker,...
et al. Detection of CN gas in interstellar object 2I/Borisov. Astrophys. J. 885, L9 (2019). Article ADS Google Scholar Bailer-Jones, CorynA. L. et al. A search for the origin of the interstellar comet 2I/Borisov. Astron. Astrophys. 634, A14 (2020). Article Google Scholar C...