APPLICATION OF TARIFFThis Tariff publication is filed with the Surface Transportation Board and is applicable onInterstate Trafficand Intrastate Traffic in the State of Pennsylvania.ITEM 1010. It, conversely, also allow people who do not have the means to take advantage of investment opportunities acce...
We also agree with the ICC that consideration of the MPSC's conclusory allegation that interstate rates are excessive is inappropriate in this proceeding. First, excessive interstate rates do not evidence a difference between interstate and intrastate operating costs or conditions. Second, the record ...
What is the difference between Interstate and Intrastate? • Intrastate refers to anything within a single state in the country whereas interstate refers to anything involving two or more states. • In the case of intrastate transport, rules of the state apply whereas interstate movement of truc...
Dogmatically, the concept of a dispute in international law arises in the context of intrastate adjudication. This is due to the fact that the existence of a dispute is fundamental for an international court to recognize its jurisdiction over the case and disputing parties. Therefore, when definin...