An interstate move crosses state lines and an intrastate move doesn't. However, the important differences don't stop there.
"Overall mobility had a significant effect, but there was not a significant difference between interstate and intrastate mobility.Indiana University.;Gullion, Darin K.Indiana University.
APPLICATION OF TARIFFThis Tariff publication is filed with the Surface Transportation Board and is applicable onInterstate Trafficand Intrastate Traffic in the State of Pennsylvania.ITEM 1010. It, conversely, also allow people who do not have the means to take advantage of investment opportunities acce...
Did you notice the difference? Some may call it "splitting hairs", but I-96 is actually an "intrastate", not an interstate. Intrastate highways like I-96 are the ones that stay completely and totally within one state's borders. Since the only state that I-96 ever sees is Michigan, it...
We also agree with the ICC that consideration of the MPSC's conclusory allegation that interstate rates are excessive is inappropriate in this proceeding. First, excessive interstate rates do not evidence a difference between interstate and intrastate operating costs or conditions. Second, the record ...
Interstate vs Intrastate Interstate and intrastate are concepts that have great implications in business and transport. This is because of the fact t
to reflect regional consensus with regards to measures relevant and applicable to maintaining peace. As per implementation of Article 52 of theUnited Nations Charter, many regional regimes have been instituted by states to address this concern and the need for peaceful settlement of intrastate disputes...