This US road map displays major interstate highways, limited-access highways, and principal roads in the United States of America. It highlights all 50 states and capital cities, including the nation’s capital city of Washington, DC. BothHawaiiandAlaskaare inset maps in thisUS road map. Inter...
Your online guide to Bear Traps (Speed Traps) and Exits for all the Interstate Highways of the United States. When traveling the Intestate Highway System, check here for driving tips. Bears are creatures of habit Find Red Light Cameras ...
英文:The construction of the interstate highways has greatly promoted economic exchanges between states. 英文同义表达: “interstate highway”的同义表达可以是: “state-to-state highway”:直接描述从一个州到另一个州的高速公路。 例句:The state-to-state highway connects major c...
Jobs and new businesses have been created near the busy interstate highways all across the United States. 繁忙的公路为全美州际公路附近的地区创造了新的就业岗位和商机, These include hotels, motels, eating places, gasoline stations and shopping centers. 这些商机包括:酒店,汽车旅馆,餐厅,加油站和购物中...
Three states claim first interstate highway.Focuses on interstate highways in the United States laying claims to be the first interstate highway in the country. Description; Perspectives.WeingroffRichardEBSCO_AspPublic Roads
Paragraph 1:The United States Interstate System was initiated in 1956 under a law that outlined a system of more than 40,000 miles of roads from coast to coast and border to border, to link major cities and most state capitals. These highways, over 95 percent complete by 1990, had some ...
photo guides, videos of Interstate Highways being driven, and general Interstate Highway information. Whether you're planning a road trip, doing research on a specific road or Interstate, or wanting to take a virtual road trip on the Interstate of your choice, you've come to the right place...
About the i-95 ... By sheer numbers, the Interstate 95 Highway is one the busiest, most well known, and one of the most important interstate highways in the USA. The i-95 is the main north-south land-based transportation corridor for the east coast of the United States... the i-...