精确实数计算线性分式变换直线段交点Finding intersection between two line segments is a fundamental problem in computer graphics,computer geometry, geometry modeling, etc. Exact real arithmetic refers to getting numerical results, which could satisfy arbitrary precision requirement. This paper presents how to...
intersection_segmentscalculates the intersection point of two line segments, which are defined by their endpoints (Segment1Row1,Segment1Column1), (Segment1Row2,Segment1Column2), and (Segment2Row1,Segment2Column1), (Segment2Row2,Segment2Column2) respectively. The intersection point, if it exists...
1.The intersection of line and plane was studied by using concept of double image line,thecrossing pointof line and plane was that of double imag.应用重影线的理念对直线与平面相交问题进行研究,得出直线与平面相交交点就是平面内与直线投影重影的那条直线与已知直线相交,即重影线的交点;直线的可见性就是...
1.Linesegmentintersection:givennlinesegments,reporttheirintersectionsefficiently.Worstcase:k=n(n–1)/2=O(n2)intersections.Optimalalgorithm:O(nlogn+k)timeandO(n)space.4 Familyofintersectionproblems 1.PolygonintersectionIntersectionoftwosimple 89 polygonsisnotasimple polygon.5 Boolean...
2) intersection [英][,ɪntə'sekʃn] [美]['ɪntɚ'sɛkʃən] 交点 1. Plane curve calculation method for highway intersection; 公路路线的交点曲线计算法 2. Intersection of Two Line Segments Using Exact Real Arithmetic; 精确实数计算在求两条直线段交点问题中的应用 3. The...
There is more than one possibility for what might be an intersection: the lines are parallel but not collinear (i.e. no intersection), the point of intersection is outside the specified line segments, the point of intersection is on both the line segments, the line segments are collinear ...
2) Intersection of line segments 直线段求交3) curve-curve intersection 线线求交4) Intersect of n lines 线段求交5) Computation of intersection 曲线求交6) Orthogonal line 正交直线 例句>> 补充资料:求佛求一尊 【求佛求一尊】 大乘认为,一佛即一切佛,一切佛即一佛。拜佛当至诚专一。俗语“...
1) Intersection of line segments 直线段求交 2) Intersect of n lines 线段求交 3) intersection between lines 直线求交 4) curve-curve intersection 线线求交 5) micro line 微直线段 6) Linear segment 直线小段 补充资料:十报恩 赠段先生 折段字起 ...
1) deciding the intersection of line segments 线段相交判定2) segment intersection 线段相交 1. This article mainly presents a method which judges segment intersection by using the tool of mixed product, and describes the precise math base and the process of programming implementation. 判断线段相交...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook intersection angle [‚in·tər′sek·shən ‚aŋ·gəl] (civil engineering) The angle of deflection at the intersection point between the straights of a railway or highway curve. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright...