The dollar symbol ($) is another example of a curvilinear figure crossing a line. This symbol contains three points of intersection. This curvilinear figure intersects a line in two places What Do the Intersecting Lines Look Like? Two intersecting lines often look similar to the letter "X". ...
Typically, masking polygons are created with a small margin around the symbol to improve visual appearance. Margin values can be specified in either page units or map units. Most of the time margin distance values are specified in page units. The margin cannot be negative. Linear Unit Mask ...
Ciao @symbolinsight, you can do a single VS, Trim this VS with a symmetry plan, Mirror Geometry, Unite and Blend. Instead of the VS try to use my favorite surface: Section Surface 🙂 as I show in the image below. Selected as BestLikeReply symbolinsight 7 years ago...