ArcGIS Pro 3.4| |Help archive Summary Computes a geometric intersection of the input features. Features or portions of features that overlap in all layers or feature classes will be written to the output feature class. An alternate tool is available for intersect operations. See thePairwise Inter...
[インターセクト (Intersect)] ツールでは、任意の数のフィーチャクラスとフィーチャ レイヤーの交差部分が求められます。すべての入力に共通の (交差する) フィーチャまたはフィーチャの部分が、出力フィーチャクラスに書き出されます。
Fields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool vals Constructor Summary Intersect() Creates the Intersect tool with defaults. Intersect(ObjectinFeatures,ObjectoutFeatureClass) Creates the Intersect tool with the required parameters. ...
ArcGIS Desktop BasicおよびDesktop Standardライセンスの場合、入力フィーチャクラスまたはレイヤーの数が 2 つに制限されます。 構文 Intersect(in_features, out_feature_class, {join_attributes}, {cluster_tolerance}, {output_type}) パラメーター説明データ タイプ ...
位置:C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit10.2\DotNet\ToolBoxes中的 ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools.dll publicstaticvoidOpenShape_Dissolve(stringinputPath,stringoutPath){//int Indx = inputPath.LastIndexOf("\\");//string filePath = inputPath.Substring(0, Indx);//string fileName = input...
このArcGIS 10.7 ドキュメントはアーカイブされており、今後更新されません。 コンテンツとリンクが古い場合があります。 最新のドキュメントをご参照ください。Advanced のライセンスで利用可能。 概要 図 使用法 構文 コードのサンプル 環境 ライセンス情報 概要 2 つのカバレッジのジオメ...
ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that computes the intersecting and overlapping segments of lines in 3D space..
When line and polygon feature classes are used as inputs in the Intersect tool, the tool outputs a multipoint feature class, instead of the expected point feature class. This can be seen in the attribute table of the output feature class.Cause...
I am trying in Arc 9.3 to intersect two line features (stream and road), retain some of the attribution information in them and then output a point file where these two intersect. How do i do this in Arc 9.3? Do i intersect first and then is there a tool to create points from the...
I am trying in Arc 9.3 to intersect two line features (stream and road), retain some of the attribution information in them and then output a point file where these two intersect. How do i do this in Arc 9.3? Do i intersect first and then is there a tool to create points from the...