Interrupt address program entrance by the compiler in the interrupt vector, the interrupt vector at the lowest address located in the program code, note the serial input / output interrupt sharing an interrupt vector. 8051 the interrupt vector table as follows:Interrupt vector interrupt source ...
Improper initialization of xdata variables is one of the common reasons for the interrupt vector table to be overwritten. By default, the initialized xdata variables will be placed at the start of 8051 external RAM, that is, on-chip RAM of FX2LP (See section 5.3 External P...
returning the data according to an interrupt priority vector table and simulating long transfer instructions; and when 8051 CPU receives returned data, obtaining the long transfer jump address, executing the long transfer jump instructions to jump to a corresponding function and entering the interrupt ...
I have noticed that the Kiel compiler doesn't produce the correct interrupt vector if 8051 interrupt numbers are used. For example for external interrupt 0 (IE0), the interrupt number has to be 0, instead of 1 to produce a jump at location 1. Example: void edge1 (void) interrupt 0{ ...
In order to write UART5 Receiver Interrupt Handler function, you should first find its interrupt number. Interrupts numbers of all peripheral interrupts and system exceptions are defined inside theinterrupt vector tableand numbers are assigned in the register definition file of TM4C123GH6PM microcontr...
entrancebythecompilerintheinterruptvector,theinterrupt vectoratthelowestaddresslocatedintheprogramcode,note theserialinput/outputinterruptsharinganinterruptvector. 8051theinterruptvectortableasfollows: Interruptvectorinterruptsource Thepoweronreset0000H Externalinterrupt00003H Timer0overflow000BH Externalinterrupt10013H ...
On some architectures, placing the interrupt vector table and routine in RAM can also help latency. But honestly its best to RTFM or measure that if its of real concern. Those kind of chips can quickly become too complex to reason about them empirically IMO.Now I've listed some factors ...
interrupts share a single ISR vector address. This implies that even though if you use pin change interrupts on multiple pins, every triggered interrupt will execute the same function. If you wish to establish differentiation between pins, we have to create rules and execute within the ISR ...
The ISR uses DMAIRQ to determine which channel has an interrupt, clears the flag in DMAIRQ, and rearms the channel: 1 #pragma vector = DMA_VECTOR 2 __interrupt void dma_irq (void) 3{ 4 EA = 0; // Disable all other interrupts 5 DMAIF = 0; // Clear the main CPU DMA interrupt...
The ISR uses DMAIRQ to determine which channel has an interrupt, clears the flag in DMAIRQ, and rearms the channel: 1 #pragma vector = DMA_VECTOR 2 __interrupt void dma_irq (void) 3{ 4 EA = 0; // Disable all other interrupts 5 DMAIF = 0; // Clear the main CPU DMA interrupt...