specifically, the hardware would take the form of an Arduino Mega 2560 with a USB Host Shield. There was plenty of code and examples that showed how you could read the mouse position and clicks from the Arduino, but [rehsd] still had to figure out a way to get that information into th...
enableInterrupt- Enables interrupt on a selected Arduino pin. enableInterrupt(uint8_tpinNumber,void(*userFunction)(void),uint8_tmode);orenableInterrupt(uint8_tinterruptDesignator,void(*userFunction)(void),uint8_tmode);Theargumentsare:*pinNumber-ThenumberoftheArduinopin,suchas3,orA0,orSCK.Noteth...
This Timer4 is 16-bit timer on ATMEGA_2560, ATMEGA_1280, ATMEGA_640 boards and 10-bit (but used as 8-bit in this library) Timer on ATMEGA_16U4, ATMEGA_32U4 boardsTimer3 and Timer5 are only available on Arduino Mega boards. These 2 timers are all 16-bit timers....
A timer can generate different types of interrupts. The register and bit definitions can be found in the processor data sheet (Atmega328 or Atmega2560) and in the I/O definition header file (iomx8.h for Arduino, iomxx0_1.h for Arduino Mega in the hardware/tools/avr/include/avr folder)...
Hardware Configuration in the Model Open thearduino_LIS3DH_inertialwakeupdetectionSimulink model. The model is preconfigured to work with Arduino Mega 2560. If you are using a different Arduino board, change the hardware board by performing the following steps: ...
Open the arduino_ICM20948_readUsingInterrupt Simulink model. The model is preconfigured to work with Arduino Mega 2560. If you are using a different Arduino board, change the hardware board by performing the following steps: 1. Click Hardware Settings in the Hardware tab of the Simulink toolbar...
References https://forum.arduino.cc/t/difference-in-time-between-interrupt-start-on-mega-2560-and-nano-every-4809/897591 mrrwa/NmraDcc#57 https://github.com/SpenceKonde/DxCore/blob/master/megaavr/extras/Ref_Interrupts.md
Official Arduinos | PCINT | Uno/Nano/Mini | Mega/2560 | Leonardo/Micro | HL2 (8/16/32u2) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 0 | 8 (PB0) | 53 SS (PB0) | SS (PB0)* | 0 SS (PB0)* | | 1 | 9 (PB1) | 52 SCK (PB1) | SCK (PB1) | 1 SCK (P...
Ports/Pins can be manually deactivated in the Settings file API and LowLevel option Full Port0-3 support .a linkage optimization (Arduino IDE) Supported pins for PinChangeInterrupt: See PCINT pin table at the bottom for more details. Arduino Uno/Nano/Mini: All pins are usable Arduino Mega:...
based Arduinos, and some ATmega32u4 and Sanguinos. It adds pin change interrupts, giving a way for users to have interrupts drive off of any pin (ATmega328-based Arduinos), by the Port B, J, and K pins on the Arduino Mega and its ilk, and on the appropriate ports (including Port...