Radiographic evaluation of central venous catheters (CVCs) with contrast material is a commonly performed procedure in pediatric radiology, but the criteria for interpreting the results of such studies are not well described in the literature. Careful evaluation of the images from a contrast material...
Long-term results of initial therapy with abacavir and Lamivudine combined with Efavirenz, Amprenavir/Ritonavir, or Stavudine. OBJECTIVE: To compare alternative class-sparing antiretroviral regimens in treatment-naive subjects. DESIGN: Open-label, multicenter, randomized trial of u... JA Bartlett,J Joh...
4 GSEA of the pathways enriched in the genes that showed a monotonic increase (a) or decrease (b) of expression from group 1 to group 3 BCR clonotypes’ B cells. Pathways enriched in the genes with “increasing” or “decreasing” trends were shown separately. The results for all ...
and OncodriveRole67carrying out a leave-one-out cross-validation scheme. We repeated the procedure 10 times, each time undersampling the two majority classes (OCGs and neutral genes). We assessed the results using two different quality measures, i.e.,...
genes: 20/20+66and OncodriveRole67. We chose these methods for their popularity, ease of implementation, and similarity to Moonlight’s machine-learning approach. We conducted leave-one-out cross-validation for one class versus all, and we found comparable results to Moonlight (Methods; Fig....
Van Hoovels, L., Broeders, S., Chan, E.K.L. et al. Current laboratory and clinical practices in reporting and interpreting anti-nuclear antibody indirect immunofluorescence (ANA IIF) patterns: results of an international survey. Autoimmun Highlights 11, 17 (2020).
The sensitivity, precision and F1 score results for total alveolar bone loss were 1, 0.94 and 0.96, respectively. The corresponding values for horizontal bone loss were 1, 0.92 and 0.95, respectively, while AI could not identify vertical bone loss. For dental calculus, the sensitivity, precision...
In this Review, we discuss the advantages and limitations of these techniques, as well as the clinical relevance of the differences between the techniques, to provide guidance in understanding and interpreting ANA test results. Such understanding not only necessitates insight into the sensitivity and ...