Recommendation for Bone Density Testing When Interpreting Plain Films Is Influenced by the Radiologists Attitude toward OsteoporosisAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00007611-200311001-00101LenchikLeon
Volumetric bone mineral density is an important tool when interpreting bone mineralization in healthy children. S, Mellström D, Strandvik B (2009) Volumetric bone mineral density is an important tool when interpreting bone mineralization in healthy children. Acta... S Eriksson,Mellström, Dan,...
aPost-contrast T1-weighted fat saturated 3D FLASH (VIBE) axial image andbcoronal T1-VIBE reconstructed image showing a small enhancing focus in the left iliac bone.cNo bone alterations detected in the corresponding site on coronal T2-weighted fast spin-echo image (7940/112) (white arrows).dNo...
Bone densityThere were recruited 47 pacients, selected fromthose who came to our clinic and wanted to benefitfrom dental implant treatment. All of them broughtroutine blood tests and a panoramic X-ray. All thepacients had to undergo a general clinicalexamination and an attentive evaluation of ...
Eriksson S, Mellstro¨m D & Strandvik B (2009) Volumetric bone mineral density is an important tool when interpreting bone mineralization in children. Acta Paediatr 98, 374- 379.Eriksson S, Mellstrom D, Strandvik B (2009) Volumetric bone mineral density is an important tool when interpreting...
The aim of the study was to improve the practical implementation of the dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) by converting the areal bone mineral density BMD (BMD) of the right femoral neck were measured with DXA. The BMD was calculated by approximating the femoral neck to be cylindrical with a...
Arokoski , Pauli Vainio , Lea H. Niemitukia , Heikki Kröger , Jukka S. Jurvelin . (2002) Comparison of DXA and MRI Methods for Interpreting Femoral Neck Bone Mineral Density. Journal of Clinical Densitometry 5 , 289-296 Online publication date: 1-Sep-2002. /...
HIVBone Density骨密度In their recent meta-analysis, Brown and Qaqish examined the prevalence of low bone mineral density (BMD) in HlV-infected and uninfected individuals, and the risk of low BMD associated with antiretroviral drugs and protease inhibitors. Existing literature regarding the ...
The first baseline scan and the follow-up scan were used to calculate LTP. Rigorous exclusion criteria were applied to patients returning 2–12mo after baseline to avoid the effects of biological change that could affect bone mineral density (e.g., bisphosphonate treatment). Results showed that ...
Smith, R.E., Butler, V.L., Orwoll, S., Wilson-Skogen, C., 2011. Pacific cod and salmon struc- tural bone density: implications for interpreting butchering patterns in North Pacific archaeofaunas. In: Moss, M.L., Cannon, A. (Eds.), The Archaeology of North Pacific Fisheries. ...