The Interpretation of Psalm EightSchulz Jr., Arthur E.Journal of Theology
text itself.In the meanwhile,it also analyzes the effect of irony that the poem arrives by using the words and the allusion related to the mythology in the ancient Near East,and suggests all of them bring the images of Psalm 82 an ironic effect,making the poem become luxuriant and pregnant...
The article discusses Saint Augustine's role in the exegesis and catechesis of Psalm 21. It examines the breadth and depth to which the Psalms pervade the philosophy and thinking of Saint Augustine. The analysis includes his prophetical and christological understanding of the psalms, which through...
M. C.Teologia
The Interpretation of Psalm lxxiii. 24Jellicoe SExpository Times International Journal of Biblical Studies Theology & Ministry
b. Intertextuality and the interpretation of Psalm 1. Old Testament Essays 18(3):503-520.Botha, Phil J. „Intertextuality and the Interpretation of Psalm 1". Old Testament Es- says 18 (2005): 503-520.Botha, P.J., 2005, `Intertextuality and the interpretation of Psalm 1', Old ...
It is contended that 'Torah' in Psalm 1:2 refers to the Mosaic Torah rather than to the Psalter itself. The Torah of Moses is depicted in Psalm 1 as a guide on the road of life to the presence of Yahweh, symbolised by a paradise-like temple garden. The mutual connections of Psalm ...
Most scholars have argued that the text form of 4QPsx should be seen as a source for, or an early version of, Psalm 89. I offer a different assessment of the manuscript here. First, to determine whether 4QPsx originally contained the whole of Psalm 89 or only a part of it, several...
Psalm 104 is one of the finest pieces of lyric poetry in the Old Testament, expressing the poet's emotions regarding 'Yahweh's history.' According to Israelite belief, creation was Yahweh's first act in history, the first fundamental deed setting the stage for Yahweh's involvement with his ...
MaysThe Question of Context in Psalm Interpretation." Pages 14-20 in The Shape and Shaping of the Psalter. Edited by Jerry C. McCann. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament: Supplement Series 159. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993....