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Jurisdictions have also committed to implement that “common intention” through the inclusion of treaty provisions in one of the following three methods (3‑pronged approaches): a principal purpose test (PPT) either a simplified or a detailed version of the limitation on benefits (LOB) rule [...
Robinson, Janet HoeyNurse EducatorRobinson, J.H. (2001). Mastering research critique and statistical interpretation: Guidelines and golden rules. Nurse Educator;26, 136-141.Robinson, J.H., 2001. Mastering research critique and statistical interpretation: gui...
数据分析 Data Analysis and Interpretation EducationalResearch:Dataanalysisandinterpretation–2Inferentialstatistics EDU8603EducationalResearchRichardM.Jacobs,OSA,Ph.D.Statistics... Asetofmathematicalproceduresfordescribing,synthesizing,analyzing,andinterpretingquantitativedata…theselectionofanappropriatestatistical...
of gas hydrate saturation” in the international seminar of “Fine-grained sedimentary system and unconventional resource” held by AAPG in 2013 and published our research results in the form of abstract[26]. To perfect our theoretical method, in-depth research on the electrical conductivity ...
usingremote-sensingoflandcoverchange(perhapscombinedwith agricultureandforestryproductionstatistics,socio-economicspatial datasuchaspopulationandtransportation).Landsat(TM)isoneof themostappropriatedatastreamsforlandusemonitoring.Whileitis stillaresearchtopiconhowtousethisdatatoproducealanduse ...
However, it is common to use the year-end figure if the previous year’s data is unavailable. 23 Profitability Ratio (cont’d) Gross profit margin (%): Measures profitability in buying (or producing) and selling goods before taking any other expenses into account. Shows the proportion of ...
between different entities in the context, is a long- established view in the research on information structure (cf. Dik, 1989, 282 among others). However, if we consider the question whether focus interpretation correlates with particular strategies to encode it, we observe a typological split ...
Thepastdecadehaswitnessedanexplosionofresearchonafundamentalcellbiology pathwaycalledautophagy(Greekfor“selfeating”).自噬是细胞内的一种“自食(Self-eating)”的现象,凋亡是“自杀(Self-killing)”的现象,二者共用相同的刺激因素和调节蛋白,但是诱发阈值和门槛不同,如何转换和协调目前还不清楚 THEMAINDEGRATION...
These interactions can be probed directly for the first time at the LHC through the associated production of a Higgs, Z or γ with a top-quark pair. In this case the leading production mechanisms are through QCD interactions (at order αS2 at the Born level) and both theoretical studies ...