Anti-acid treatment in patients with IPF: interpret results from post-hoc, subgroup, and exploratory analyses with great caution - authors' reply. Lancet Respir Med 2016; 4: e48.Raghu G. Anti-acid treatment in patients with IPF: interpret results from post-hoc, subgroup, and exploratory ...
Die TabelleMittelwertevergleichbietet Statistiken der Post-hoc-Tests, um Mittelwerte für jedes Gruppenpaar zu vergleichen. Für die Wechselwirkung der zweifachen und dreifachen ANOVA verwenden Sie einen Datenfilter, um nur Stufen anzuzeigen, an denen Sie interessiert sind, zum Beispiel der Verglei...
I have always been taught that if a main/interaction effect is not sig then you should not use the post hoc pairwise comparisons even if significant. Hopkins suggests that planned contrasts of this kind are acceptable and we can use them. What is the ‘correct’ answer and which resources ...
Raghu G. Anti-acid treatment in patients with IPF: interpret results from post-hoc, subgroup, and exploratory analyses with great caution. Lancet Respir Med. 2016;4:e46-7.Kreuter M, Wuyts W, Renzoni E, Koschel D, Maher TM, Kolb M, et al. Anti- acid treatment in patients with IPF:...
In order to enable full perceptive interpretability of the model outcome by a post hoc analysis that relies on the expert knowledge of the diagnostician, we implemented the concept of identifying meaningful or key frames in sequences [8,9]. This became possible because we automated the video ...
Lastly, we conducted a post-hoc model interpretability based on the importance of the risk factors. Experimental results show the potential of GAN-based models for generating high-quality categorical synthetic data, yielding probability mass functions that are very close to those provided ...