It really helps toseethe images since the light spots will show you where you have a lack of bone density. Very motivating! I always ask my health care provider for a copy so I can study it at home. And I file my copies so I can compare results from year to year. I find itvery...
and when we got our results back, he mentioned how confusing they were. “I bet other people find this confusing, too,” he said. “You should write a blog post abouthow to interpret blood test results.”Great idea!
Things to consider before testing: I recommend testing your TSH early in the morning, and delaying your thyroid hormones until after taking the test, to ensure accurate results, especially if you are taking T3-containing medications. Taking your medications before the test can suppress your TSH an...
My family and I have always been value-oriented. We work hard, be fair, like to be treated fair, protect the vulnerable, help others in need, and appreciate and compensate when someone deserves it – whether through genuine words or through financial means. Nobody’s rights have been dismis...