thecountertransferencemanagementability wasdirectlycorrelatedwithnarcissisticpersonalitytraits,includingself-sufficiencyandentitlement, andwithinterpersonalrelationstendencies,includingdominant–superior,independent–responsible, epideictic–self-absorptive,anddefiant–distrusting.Exhibitionism,anarcissisticpersonalitytrait,...
SENSITIVITY (Personality trait)COGNITION disordersSOCIAL perceptionInterpersonal sensitivity means being able to display appropriate behaviors and to perceive others accurately. However, if it is not used at an optimum level,...
Based on the I-PACE theory (through interaction of predisposing and mediating variables), the present exploratory study investigated the relationships between psychological distress, interpersonal sensitivity, and trait-FoMO with the severity of problematic social media use (PSMU) through boredom and ...
PremiumPsychologyTrait theoryOpenness to experience 2080 Words 9 Pages Powerful Essays Read More Interpersonal Relationships Establishing a closerelationshipwith another person appears to be one of the major contributors to happiness. This chapter first distinguishes betweeninterpersonalrelationshipsand impersonal ...
Additionally, the pathological personality trait“antagonism” has been proposed as a stable and consistent criterion for BPD, characterized by “hostility” that partly manifests as “anger or irritability in response to minor slights and insults”. In contrast to healthy subjects, individuals with ...
Linking personality to cultural intelligence: An interactive effect of openness and agreeableness The personality trait of openness is generally believed to influence an individual's cultural intelligence, which is an ability to deal effectively with pe... M Li,WH Mobley,A Kelly - 《Personality & ...
What are the similarities and differences between the trait and behavior approaches to leadership? What is the impact of individual characteristics on behavior? What four kinds of nonverbal communication are important in interpersonal relationships? Define each one of them, and give e...
It divided the relationships into three categories with a total of 11 types: the Parent-child relation includes Father-Daughter (F-D), Father-Son (F-S), Mother-Daughter (M-S), Mother-Son (M-S); the Grandparent-grandchild relation comprises: Grandfather- Granddaughter (GF-GD), Grandfather...
Toward the Integration of Personality Theory and Decision Theory in the Explanation of Economic and Health Behavior Trait-based personality psychology and economics have taken different approaches to understanding individual differences, with the former emphasizing varia... A Rustichini,CG Deyoung,J ...
According to the interpersonal relationship theory, personality development is a process of expanding interpersonal relationships, and individuals can only endure and develop in interpersonal contexts (Guo, 2017). If individuals encounter problems or setbacks in interpersonal relationships in the actual world...