Define interoperability. interoperability synonyms, interoperability pronunciation, interoperability translation, English dictionary definition of interoperability. adj. Relating to systems, especially of computers or telecommunications, that are capable
Data can be retrieved by the name of a genus, species and/or subspecies or by culture collection number and returns comprehensive information regarding status, synonyms, publication details, culture collections numbers and links to external web sources, such as the List of Prokaryotic names with ...
Define Interoperability testing. Interoperability testing synonyms, Interoperability testing pronunciation, Interoperability testing translation, English dictionary definition of Interoperability testing. adj. Relating to systems, especially of computers
Define vendor interoperability. vendor interoperability synonyms, vendor interoperability pronunciation, vendor interoperability translation, English dictionary definition of vendor interoperability. also vend·er n. 1. One that sells or vends something:
and employment. Combining and analyzing Open Data from multiple datasets and sources enable the performance of advanced data analytics scenarios that could result in valuable services and data products. However, it is still difficult to discover and combine Open Statistical Data that reside in different...
Related search keywords were identified using terms of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), synonyms, relevant articles, and self-determined search terms. We used EndNote (V. X9), DOAJ, Sherpa/Romeo, and Microsoft Excel (MS Office 365 V. 16.x) to efficiently search, collect, and select related...