This article is cited by Interoceptive rhythms in the brain Tahnée Engelen Marco Solcà Catherine Tallon-Baudry Nature Neuroscience (2023)Download PDF Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Results Discussion Methods Data Availability References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations...
a process known as skeletal interoception, which is crucial for maintaining bone homeostasis. The hypothalamus, located in the central nervous system (CNS), plays a key role in processing interoceptive signals and regulating bone homeostasis through the autonomic nervous system, ...
Maturation of Pain Empathy from Child to Adult Shifts from Single to Multiple Neural Rhythms to Support Interoceptive Representationsdoi:10.1038/s41598-018-19810-3While empathy to the pain of conspecific is evolutionary-ancient and is observed in rodents and in primates, it also integrates higher-...
First, this study could not distinguish whether IDS sounds and rhythms enhanced positive emotions, or whether IDS-promoted mother–infant interactions enhanced positive emotions. Second, the dimension of interoception was examined using the subjective interoceptive sensibility index27 rather than ...
96has also been reported. These negative effects may impact on any approach to treatment based on EEG rhythms97,98,99. Thus, it is extremely important to ascertain whether there are any changes in cognitive functions after a sensory-motor deficit and to utilise tasks that can help people with...
This research used neural coherence indices to explore the hemodynamic correlates of between-brain interconnectivity by using a two-person neuroscience paradigm. In former fNIRS hyperscanning experiments, coherence indices were used to examine the synchronization of brain rhythms during cooperative and ...