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a completely remote internship for our 2020 cohort. Should our NYC, Philly and/or Denver offices open back up safely before August, we will certainly welcome interns living nearby to come in then! We’re keeping our internship program start date flexible as we get more input on your av...
Looking for an entry level job or internship in game design? This is an overview of how to approach the search and a list of companies that might have relevant entry level and internship opportunities. Photo Credit: Flickr usermahfrot
WMS Gaming - WMS Gaming, a Chicago based company that produces the machines that you find in casinos, and they're hiring at the entry level. See the complete WMS Gaming profile all employers casino engineering Illinois software development video games...
So, when I first typed the name of today’s company into the title field in WordPress, I wrote OMGPOOP. Most companies probably wouldn’t be very happy that I made that mistake, but I feel like NYC based OMGPOP wouldn’t mind so much. They seem to have a penchant for the ridiculous...