Start each bullet point with a punchy action word e.g. assisted, completed or acted. Structure your experience using the PAR (Problem-Action-Result) technique. Here’s an example so you can see what I mean. Internship CV Example—Work Experience Section Right Completed 3 months of work exper...
Don’t take my word for this. Internship finders aren’t the best way to get hired. Here’s how to get an internship at job fairs, according to the career services experts at UC Berkeley: Come prepared. Bring lots of copies of your resume. Research openings on your school’s career fa...
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WordPerfect, Cricket Graph, Kaleidagraph, and Mathcad; FORTRAN programming Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Gas Chromatography, Others: Strong analytical and problem-solving techniques, excellent communication skills,and ability to work successfully both in groups and independently Related University of Job, ...
Labequipment:AtomicAbsorptionSpectroscopy,GasChromatography, Skills SupercriticalFluidExtraction,andIonChromatography Computer:MS-DOS/WindowsandMacintoshapplicationsincludingMicrosoft Of?ce,WordPerfect,CricketGraph,Kaleidagraph,andMathcad;FORTRANprogramming Others:Stronganalyticalandproblem-solvingtechniques,excellent ...
Use this resume template Sample resume made with our builder—See more resume examples here. One of our users, Anjeanette, had this to say: Zety suggested tips and revised my resume in a way I never could. Helped me word things in a much more intelligent fashion and got me my dream job...