Life in the Japanese internment camps was hard. Internees had only been allowed to bring with then a few possessions. In many cases they had been given just 48 hours to evacuate their homes. Consequently they were easy prey for fortune hunters who offered them far less than the market prices...
The meaning of INTERNMENT is the act of interning someone or the state of being interned. How to use internment in a sentence.
THE NUTRITIONAL SITUATION IN INTERNMENT CAMPS IN FRANCEdoi:10.3181/00379727-139-36184FeldsparInverse mass balance modelingUSAGeochemistryKineticsMorton JI, Siegel BV.Margery M. VaughanProceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology & Medicine Society for Experimental Biology & Medicine...
The administration and operation of German prisoner of war camps in the United States during World War II Agreements resulting from the projected African campaign called for transfer of an undetermined number of German and Italian prisoners to the United States for internment. Prisoners began arriving...
The internment sites may not have had gas chambers like German concentration camps, but their creation was rooted in xenophobia and racism nevertheless — a 1980 investigation by President Carter revealed as much. Dragging law-abiding citizens off to remote prisons when they weren't even...
Myers Nazi extermination camps. The phenomenon of internment clearly has widespread resonance in society today. The experience of internment is a common thread that links Winston Churchill, John McCain, Günter Grass, Nelson Mandela, Kurt Vonnegut, and Pope Benedict XVI. Internment has inspired ...
The US government authorized the removal of persons of Japanese American ancestry, citizens and noncitizens, from their communities on the West Coast to ten relocation centers located in the interior of the United States. Other individuals were detained at Department of Justice detention camps. ...
This essay first revisits the two best-known examples of racialized law in the twentieth-century U.S.--the law that legalized the Japanese American internment camps during World War II and the USA Patriot Act, enacted during the post-September 11, 2001 war on terror--in order to come to...
The internment sites may not have had gas chambers like German concentration camps, but their creation was rooted in xenophobia and racism nevertheless — a 1980 investigation by President Carter revealed as much. Dragging law-abiding citizens off to remote prisons when they weren't eve...
Sir William Otter and Internment Operations in Canada during the First World War DESMOND MORTON Sir William Otter and Internment (Sperations in Canada during the First World War DURING THECOURSE OFTHEFIRST WORLD WAR,8579 men of enemyalien originwereinternedin Canadianprisoncamps. Not morethan3179of...