Firewalls (Data security) (UsageAt the Core This article: * Discusses the conflicting roles of privacy and security for...Phillips, John TInformationmanagementjournalPhillips, John T.. 2002. "Privacy vs. Cybersecurity: The Advantages of Doing Business over the Internet are Tremendous - But Only...
In this survey we present the main research challenges and the existing solutions in the field of IoT security, identifying open issues, and suggesting some hints for future research. 展开 关键词:Internet of Things Security Privacy Trust
This White Paper is a response to the Request for Comments of the US Federal Trade Commission on Privacy and Security Implications of the Internet of Things. The White Paper represents the position of the Auto-ID Labs in alignment with GS1. As the development of the Internet demonstrated, thes...
Security, privacy and trust in Internet of Things: The road ahead 机译:物联网的安全性,隐私权和信任:未来之路 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 Internet of Things (IoT) is characterized by heterogeneous...
Internet Explorer 会自动将所有网站分配到某个安全区域: Internet、本地 Intranet、受信任的站点或受限制的站点。 每个区域具有不同的默认安全级别,用于确定可以阻止该网站的内容类型。 根据网站的安全级别,可能会阻止某些内容,直到您选择允许它,ActiveX控件可能不会自动运行,或者您可能在某些网站上看到警告提示。 你...
Internet of Things: Security and privacy in a connected world As cloud computing becomes prevalent, more and more sensitive information are being centralized into the cloud. For the protection of data privacy, sensitive data usually have to be encrypted before outsourcing, which makes effective dat....
Security and privacy issues in IoT scenarios would be much more challenging than what is been used in the conventional wireless scenarios. In particular, the constrained environments require lightweight primitives, secure design and effective integration into other environments in order to see IoT in ...
The coming wave of connected devices presents further challenges to our collective conception of privacy. Blind, mute devices could tell no tales - but when Things monitor you invisibly more and more, how do we feel less vulnerable? How do we bring privacy values along and encode them into th...
The Internet’s underlying architecture poorly supports many users’ current security and privacy needs. This architecture reflects decades-old design decisions by technologists involved in creating the Internet. It can be viewed as an example of the...
Huawei Cloud Meeting Privacy Statement: In the Chinese mainland: In the Chinese mainland: Outside...